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What is Family Caregiver Day?

As of 2018, as many as 1 in 4 Canadians have provided some kind of care to a family member or friend. As that number continues to grow with an increasing aging population, the lack of support these caregivers receive is ever more striking.


In order to recognize and honour the contributions of unpaid caregivers, the first Tuesday is April is designated as National Caregiver Day in Canada (or Family Caregiver Day in Ontario). Every year, the Ontario Caregiver Coalition uses this day to bring awareness to the fact caregivers lack adequate support and resources, often making personal sacrifices in order to care for their loved ones, and demand change to improve the lives of caregivers in Ontario. In the past, our Caregiver Day campaigns have focused on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on caregivers, the lack of focus on caregivers during the 2022 Ontario election, and a call to address the costs of caregiving on unpaid caregivers. In 2024, the OCC used Caregiver Day as an opportunity to highlight our own work, rallying caregivers and those passionate about caregiving to join our organization and Build a Better Ontario for Caregivers. ​​

The Scariest Thing:
A World Without Caregivers

As Ontario marks Family Caregiver Day in 2025 on Tuesday, April 1, the Ontario Caregiver Coalition will be launching a campaign focusing on the theme of: "The Scariest Thing: A World Without Caregivers." The campaign will showcase stories of the immense pressures and the challenges caregivers face in a system that often overlooks their contributions, as well as the risks to the system if we continue down this path. We're asking caregivers across to think about what makes them want to scream, and how Ontario, providing the proper supports they need, can help alleviate our fears about the future of caregiving in our province.

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